Value of Content & Supporting Our Projects

The value of these courses is more than we can imagine, a gift from Allah if we can master this knowledge and the Quranic Way to BE, however we want to make this knowledge as accessible as possible with the best experiences for the students to truly benefit and grow and to establish communities applying Allah’s Book in our lives. Quranic Characters and communities inshaAllah

These are, using buzz words and language of today, Quranic self-development programs which if understood and mastered can unlock Allah’s secrets for true success inshaAllah.

We invite support in all shapes and forms to serve this cause, Allah’s cause, to spread the Quranic approach to lead our lives and grow to be what we Allah intended us to be.

Level 1

$25 / month


Level 2

$50 / month

Level 3

$75 / month

Level 4

$100 / month

I want to support monthly

One off donation