Access to courses or other content

The pre-recorded content on our website is available for the fees indicated while our sponsors support our work (content development and maintenance, including the website).

At this stage we offer access to the current version of content for at least 1 year for the relevant fees paid. (In some cases where this is more limited it will state so).

Where specific extended access has previously been agreed this will be honoured. Please contact us for any question

Future updates

When courses are updated you will be offered special rates for any updates or bonuses or where possible for free. You will also be included in any group sessions or live question and answer opportunities etc.

Value of Content & Supporting Our Projects

The value of these courses is more than we can imagine, a gift from Allah if we can master this knowledge and the Quranic Way to BE. We want to make this knowledge as accessible as possible with the best experiences for the students to truly benefit, grow Quranic characters and establish communities applying Allah’s Book in our lives.

These are, using language of today, Quranic self-development programs which if understood and mastered can unlock Allah’s secrets for true success inshaAllah.

We invite support in all shapes and forms to serve this cause, Allah’s cause, to spread the Quranic approach to lead our lives and grow to be what we Allah intended us to be. (See ideas below)

Your Feedback

Please do share your feedback and any ideas how to enhance and support you more inshaAllah.
We value all opportunities to tailor the content and support to better serve the needs of you all.

Our Community and Content Development

Our aim is to build the “village” we all need, with and for you inshaAllah. While we do so, we share the content we are able to develop as soon as we can to allow as many of you as possible to benefit, thanks to our generous supporters.

Special Pre-Launch Access: Get Notified

As we grow and develop our community and content some of our courses will be released with Special Pre-Launch Access if you would like to be notified please email us.

Ways to Support Our Projects

For those interested in supporting our work please see the options below and don’t hesitate to email SupportUs@thequranicway.Com with any suggestions InshaAllah.

Options (ideas)

  1. Contribute: Offer your skills or time (for example):
  2. Sponsor a course
  3. Seed funding for projects under development

No recording – copyright

Islam values people’s efforts, research and work and copyrighted their intellectual property.

Please respect the copyright and do not share the link or pass access onto others without permission.

Please DO NOT record, or download (whether audio or video).

If you would like someone else to benefit from this knowledge please email

Your information and privacy

We do not share your information with any third parties.

We will only use your information for the purposes of administration in relation to granting access to our website, courses you may register for dealing with payments and group study initiatives

Our site uses the usual cookies to enable your access to courses or content you may require